As we head into the 2023 holiday season the Concord Adex Survivors Fund will once again display our Angel Trees at Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport.
These trees will be displayed in both the International and Domestic lounges as well as the publicly accessible mainland pavilion.
Collectively the trees will be adorned with over 900 acrylic angels representing one for every survivor of human trafficking we have supported since 2021.
For $20 donors will have the opportunity to have an angel placed in the tree in their name.
The Concord Adex Survivors Fund, an initiative of the Seeds of Hope Foundation ( a registered Canadian Charity) has provided safe affordable housing and post secondary education grants to hundreds of survivors of human trafficking in Canada over the last three years.
All administration costs are funded by a private benefactor such that 100% of every dollar raised will directly benefit a survivor of human trafficking.
Platinum Sponsor
List of participating restaurants will be available February 1st, 2022.
Valentine's Live Event
Get Ready!
The video link will be available Monday February 14th at 5:00 pm local time.